Stephen Vaughn, the Hamiltonian at USTR Vaughn, the current acting U.S. Trade Representative, is a trade lawyer who shares Trump’s distaste for recent U.S. trade policy

What does “Hamilton” have to do with trade policy? More than you might think in the case of acting U.S. Trade Representative Stephen Vaughn, who counts himself among the hit Broadway musical’s legions of fans.   [DOUG PALMER] April, 27th 2017 [Politico] Vaughn, a history buff as well as a trade lawyer, says he has…

Democrats knock Trump over ‘broken promises’ on China currency, NAFTA renegotiations

House and Senate Democrats on Tuesday released a report on President Trump’s “broken promises” to American workers, included the administration’s decision not to label China a currency manipulator, its failure to date to launch NAFTA renegotiations and a lack of action on various “Buy American” proposals. [Charlie Mitchell] April 25th, 2017 [Inside U.S. Trade]  The…


What was worse about President Trump’s decision to let China off the currency manipulator hook (for now) was its geopolitical rationale. [Alan Tonelson] April 20th, 2017 [Industry Today] What was worst about President Trump’s decision yesterday to let China off the currency manipulator hook (for now) was not the scrapping of a long-time campaign promise…