A Wall Street Journal analysis shows that since the 1990s, sparsely populated counties have replaced large cities as America’s most troubled areas by key measures of socioeconomic well-being—a decline that’s accelerating. [Janet Adamy and Paul Overberg] May 26th, 2017 [The Wall Street Journal] At the corner where East North Street meets North Cherry Street in the small…

Pro-domestic manufacturing group talks trade with Lighthizer, Ross

Executives from the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which bills itself as a pro-domestic manufacturing organization, are lauding the administration’s early trade actions after meeting last week with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to discuss trade opportunities in the manufacturing and agriculture sectors. May 31st, 2017 [Inside Trade]  “Already we…

Is China Outsmarting America in A.I.?

HONG KONG — Sören Schwertfeger finished his postdoctorate research on autonomous robots in Germany, and seemed set to go to Europe or the United States, where artificial intelligence was pioneered and established. Instead, he went to China. [Paul Mozur & John Markoff] May 27th, 2017 [The New York Times] “You couldn’t have started a lab…

Trump complains to EU leaders about ‘bad, very bad’ German trade surplus with U.S.

President Trump, in a meeting with EU leaders on Thursday, complained about Germany’s “bad, very bad” trade surplus with the United States, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reports.  May 25th, 2017 [Inside Trade] According to an informal translation of the news report, Trump made clear the reduction of the U.S. trade deficit is an “absolute priority” for…

Trump’s right about Germany

President Donald Trump had harsh words for Germany at a NATO meeting in Belgium this week, where he reportedly referred to the Germans as “bad, very bad.” Gary Cohn, the president’s top economic adviser, later clarified that Trump was referring to Germany’s trade practices. [DANNY VINIK] May 26th, 2017 [Politico] The criticism of a close…

Media Coverage: Wilbur Ross says he’s ‘open to resuming’ talks on mega-trade deal with Europe

After a series of angry tweets from President Donald Trump directed toward Germany over trade, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC on Tuesday he is open to continuing talks on a proposed trade pact with the European Union. [Lori Ann LaRocco | May 30th, 2017 | CNBC] After a series of angry tweets from President Donald Trump directed toward Germany over trade, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC on Tuesday he is open…

China Hitches Yuan to the Dollar, Buying Rare Calm

China’s central bank is effectively anchoring the yuan to the dollar, a policy twist that has helped stabilize the currency in a year of political transition and market jitters about China’s economic management.   [Lingling Wei & Saumya Vaishampayan] May 25th, 2017 [The Wall Street Journal] The yuan weakened more than 6% against the dollar in…