CPA Written Testimony: NAFTA Negotiations

The Office of US Trade Representative requested comments from interested parties regarding a June 27, 2017 hearing regarding NAFTA Renegotiations. This is CPA’s official written testimony submitted in response. Summary The US needs to rethink trade agreements and unilateral trade policy options to better connect them with improved trade performance through increased US production, wages,…

Analysis says GOP border adjustment tax proposal would pass WTO test

A new analysis commissioned by manufacturing and export giant Caterpillar attempts to dismantle arguments that the border adjustment tax contained in the House Republican tax reform “blueprint” would violate U.S. commitments under World Trade Organization rules. [Charlie Mitchell] June 7th, 2017 [Inside Trade]  Critics on Capitol Hill, in industry and academia have cited incompatibility with…

What U.S. can learn from Germany: Our view

France, it would seem, is no longer the chief villain among America’s so-called European allies. That honor now goes to Germany. June 4th, 2017 [USA Today] At least that is the message President Trump sent last week by blasting Germany for its perennial trade surpluses and its reluctance to spend more on defense, prompting German Chancellor Angela Merkel…

The Democrats’ ‘Working-Class Problem’

The road to a sustainable Democratic majority—nationally, locally, and in the states—must include much higher Democratic performance with white working-class voters (those without a four-year degree). Nearly every group in the progressive infrastructure is busy figuring out how Democrats can get back to the level of support they reached with President Obama’s 2012 victory. That…


Though it wasn’t included in the April state budget deal, backers of legislation aimed at boosting U.S. manufacturing are optimistic that a proposal to encourage the state to give preference to American-made goods will be passed this month as the legislative session winds down. [DAN ROSENBLUM] June 5th, 2017 [City & State New York] The…