Media Coverage: U.S., Canada and Mexico Wrap Up Nafta First Round — Update

“The administration should reject fears of supply-chain disruption asserted by the import lobby,” said Michael Stumo, chief executive of the Coalition for a Prosperous America. “Successful trading nations like China and Germany ‘disrupt supply chains’ intentionally, working to increase their domestic supply chains at the expense of foreign suppliers.” [Sara Schaefer Muñoz and Bob Davis…

Steve Bannon, Unrepentant

You might think from recent press accounts that Steve Bannon is on the ropes and therefore behaving prudently. In the aftermath of events in Charlottesville, he is widely blamed for his boss’s continuing indulgence of white supremacists. Allies of National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster hold Bannon responsible for a campaign by Breitbart News, which Bannon…

Dean Baker: Opposition to Trade Deals

The usually sensible Brad DeLong is very unhappy with those who oppose the agenda that has passed for globalization over the last three decades. He argues that people are foolish for believing that globalization has had a major impact on employment and the distribution of income in recent years. I’ll take the side of Brad’s “fools” in…