Ranch Group Supports 12 NAFTA Improvements

For Immediate Release Billings, Mont. – Although R-CALF USA and several other member-groups of the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) had already weighed-in with the Trump Administration on the need to reform the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), on Friday the CPA did so again, but this time with more specificity. The CPA represents 4.1 million households…

USA needs to fix its massive global trade gaps if ‘America First’ is going to work

Amid seemingly unstoppable urges to use enormous means to confront America’s strategic adversaries everywhere around the globe, the U.S.monetary authorities worry about a deflationary economy, crashing bond yields, ominous economic growth signals from a flattening yield curve and fiscal policy’s inability to control soaring public debt and intractable budget deficits. [Dr. Michael Ivanovitch| September 11, 2017…

Next Stop for the Steve Bannon Insurgency: China

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon has held court in the Capitol Hill townhouse of Breitbart Media since he packed up his West Wing office last month, meeting with conservative lawmakers, advocating hard-line policies on undocumented immigrants and waging gleeful war on those he considers traitors to the Trump cause. [MARK LANDLER| September 8, 2017 | The New…

Short Sellers Take Fight Against Chinese Companies to the Big Screen

Deep-pocketed U.S. investors trying to expose fraud they allege among companies in mainland China have found a new way to promote their cause: a feature film. [ Steven Russolillo and Vipal Monga| September 10, 2017 | The Wall Street Journal] A documentary called “The China Hustle” premiered Friday at the Toronto International Film Festival. The 84-minute film features prominent…

Workers: Fear Not the Robot Apocalypse

For retailers, the robot apocalypse isn’t a science-fiction movie. As digital giants swallow a growing share of shoppers’ spending, thousands of stores have closed and tens of thousands of workers have lost their jobs. [Greg Ip| September 5, 2017 | The Wall Street Journal] Belinda Duperre, who sold jewelry at Sam’s Club in Fall River,…