How McConnell and Chao used political power to make their family rich

Peter Schweizer, who delved into the Clinton Foundation’s dealings in 2016’s “Clinton Cash,” has turned his sights to the money-making machinations of DC’s political elite. [Larry Getlen | March 17, 2018 | Politico] His new book, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” — due out Tuesday from Harper Collins — exposes…


President Trump knocked over several apple carts when he signed an order imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. [Curtis Ellis | March 9, 2018 | WND] He upended decades of free-trade dogma that prevailed in Washington whatever party held power. He rejected the ivory tower theories that created the economic nightmare that has destroyed…

How China Pushes the Limits on Military Technology Transfer

For years the Chinese government has evaded America’s technology-transfer safeguards and been allowed to vacuum up military-applicable technologies from U.S. companies. The Chinese have perfected the weaponization of investment as a legal means to achieve this massive transfer of dual-use technology, bolstering China’s military modernization. If the U.S. loses its military-technology advantage over China and…

CPA’s Issue Flyers

Members of the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) visited more than 100 House and Senate offices in the nation’s capital this week to sound an alarm: America’s massive, growing trade deficit is killing jobs, harming communities, and stifling economic growth. In a two-day blitz, CPA members left their mark on Capitol hill, urging Members…

Enforcing trade rules is not a ‘trade war’

(March 9, 2018) — The recent tariffs on steel and aluminum have been characterized as trade war. This is weird, because countries often enforce trade rules with targeted tariffs and sanctions, and markets adjust. What’s the real issue? [Stan Sorscher | March 9, 2018  | The Stand] In the orthodoxy of free trade, tariffs are…

Wilbur Ross’s Star Rises as Trump Imposes Tariffs

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says tariffs will be good for the American steel industry—just as they were for Mr. Ross himself during his business career. [Ted Mann, Bob Tita and Maureen Farrell | March 8, 2018 | WSJ] Profiting from such protectionist measures was a trademark of some of the biggest deals in Mr. Ross’s rise as an investor specializing…