The Ominous New Politics of Trade

“War is the continuation of politics by other means,” wrote famed Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. In our time, international trade is becoming the continuation of war and politics by other means. This goes far beyond simple, old-fashioned “trade wars” intended to protect jobs or provide government revenue. [Lowell Ponte | June 17, 2018…

What CPA Members are Saying about the 301 Tariffs

CPA member companies and organizations had this to say about the section 301 tariffs announced by the White House today.   Roddey Dowd, Jr., CEO, Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co.: Our company has been the victim of intellectual property theft. A company in China markets our products throughout Asia using our logo. Charlotte Pipe strongly supports…

CPA Praises White House Implementation of Section 301 Tariffs on High-Tech Goods from China

Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA), which includes more than 4 million members in the manufacturing, agricultural, and labor sectors, today strongly praised the Trump Administration’s implementation of new tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods produced via intellectual property theft, forced technology transfer, and cyber attacks. CPA sees this Section 301 tariff…

China Pushing to Control US Rail Industry

Editors note. Another US industry China is trying to takeover using taxpayer funds. Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayor, is helping the Chinese rather than working for American companies and workers. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is taking steps to control the U.S. rail industry, leveraging state funding to undercut competitors, force private companies out of…

Coalition for a Prosperous America Endorses ‘Fair Trade with China Enforcement Act.’

Says bill is major step toward addressing China’s cyberhacking and high-tech theft Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA), which represents more than 4.1 million manufacturing, agricultural, and labor households, has endorsed the ‘Fair Trade with China Enforcement Act’ recently introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in the Senate and Congressmen Mike Conaway (TX-11)…