Kamala Harris on Free Trade

CPA’s Take: When Kamala Harris was running for president, this is what she said about trade. Democratic candidate for President; California Senator [December 15, 2019 | On the Issues] Export American products, not American jobs Q: How would your trade policy differ from President Obama’s? HARRIS: My trade policy, under a Harris administration, is always…

Written Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee

Editor’s Note: CPA submitted testimony to the Senate Finance Committee relating to WTO reform. Our testimony points out the fundamental flaws in the WTO, suggests reform measures, and asserts that the US must be prepared to withdraw to maximize negotiating leverage.  As this Committee looks to whether the WTO can be reformed to address twenty-first century…

China’s Brilliant, Insidious Strategy

CPA’s Take: This article reveals the myriad ways the US has substituted myths and self-blame for recognition of the geopolitical threat of China.  Slowly but steadily they build up their economic, military, and technological superiority at our expense [Victor Davis Hanson | May 14, 2019 | National Review] The Chinese Communist government does not have…

CPA Praises Trump Administration Plan to Reshore U.S. Drug Manufacturing

Necessary response to coronavirus disruption of pharmaceutical supply chain Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) strongly praised the Trump administration for issuing an executive order to end U.S. reliance on China for key medicines. CPA has long urged a reduced dependence on China for sectors critical to national security, including military hardware, wireless…

NPR asks Biden about 301 tariffs against China

CPA’s Take: Joe Biden responds to an NPR question on whether he will eliminate the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese goods In #nabjnahj2020 interview, Joe Biden tells Lulu Garcia-Navarro that Trump’s China tarriffs have been disastrous for business and farming. Watch the exchange here: [Lulu (@lourdesgnavarro) | August 5, 2020 | Tweeted] In our #nabjnahj2020 interview,…