CPA Op-ed: How a ‘strong dollar’ causes low ag prices and how to fix it

In recent months, President Donald Trump has imposed much-needed tariffs to address China’s 24-year trade war and commercial espionage campaign targeting America. Instead of changing course, China has imposed tariffs on fairly traded goods from the United States. While President Trump’s moves are aimed at helping U.S. manufacturers, we need additional strategies to help farmers…

Press Release: Tariff Job Gains Exceed Losses by 20:1

11,100 Job Gains vs. 514 Job Losses So Far  Washington. Earlier this week, the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) published details of its new ‘Tariff Job Creation Tracker’ that tallied US manufacturing jobs gained in the wake of recent tariff actions. CPA found 11,100 jobs announced or planned in four major sectors affected by tariffs. These results…

Why your next flight may go via China

Editor’s note: Boeing is helping Beijing’s bid to dominate airplane production and airline services as they joint ventures with government owned companies. Boeing will sell a few planes for 3-5 years, then will get squeezed out like Apple.  It is the same if you are looking to fly from Bangkok to Los Angeles. Or from Singapore…