The U.S. dollar remains at about the same worldwide valuation in our latest quarterly Misalignment Monitor, continuing to create a double-digit import incentive to the great disadvantage of domestic U.S. producers.
USD Overvaluation affecting U.S. trade with the world by $364 billion, compared to only a $30 billion effect from current tariffs. Currency misalignment also has a larger effect in more heavily tariffed countries, such as China.
The House Financial Services Committee says American consumers are helped by a strong dollar, which lowers the price of imports to the tune of up to $45 billion per year in savings. In a $23 trillion economy, is an overvalued dollar really worth it?
Yellen takes a pass on calling Vietnam, others, currency manipulators. That puts the onus on Commerce and the USTR to do something about it. Will they?
McKinsey has turned the corner on the Asia-centric model of globalization. It’s a “now-or-never” moment for US manufacturing. Here’s where CPA sees eye-to-eye.