The Wisdom of Trump’s Tariffs

Michael Stumo: The Wisdom of Trump’s Tariffs

In a recent speech at the New York Economic Club, and again during Tuesday’s debate against Kamala Harris, Donald Trump revived one of his signature policy proposals: tariffs as a powerful tool to revive American industry, protect jobs, and generate revenue for the federal government.

China Restricts Exports of Key Minerals Used in Making Ammo, Semiconductors

China Restricts Exports of Key Minerals Used in Making Ammo, Semiconductors

If anyone needed yet another example of the importance of China miners and processing companies, Beijing said it would put restrictions on exports of antimony and processing equipment used in batteries and as an alloy to increase a metal’s strength.

Can Washington Cope With China Multinationals Moving Into Mexico, And Benefiting From Free Trade?

Can Washington Cope With China Multinationals Moving Into Mexico, And Benefiting From Free Trade?

Hofusan is one of the most well known investments of Chinese capital looking not only to sell to Mexican consumers, but – more obviously – to export everything from furniture to washing machines duty free to the United States.

MP Materials Rare Earth Production Rises, But Price Slump Challenges Industry

MP Materials Rare Earth Production Rises, But Price Slump Challenges Industry

MP Materials, the only active rare earths mining company in the U.S., is making great progress. And yet at the same time, the company just reported a financial loss. The contradiction illustrates the challenges involved for the U.S. in rebuilding a rare earths industrial capability.