Commerce Department to Add Two Dozen Chinese Companies with Ties to WMD and Military Activities to the Entity List

Editors note: 24 Chinese companies have been sanctioned due to involvement in weapons of mass destruction or military activities. They are listed below. The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced it will add 24 governmental and commercial organizations to the Entity List for engaging in activities contrary to the national security…

Commerce Department to Add Nine Chinese Entities Related to Human Rights Abuses in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region to the Entity List

Editors note:  the department of commerce sanctioned nine Chinese companies for human rights abuses. This is in addition to the 24 companies also recently sanctioned, due to WMD and military activities. The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced the impending addition of the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Public Security’s…

Trump floats halt to U.S. cattle imports as pandemic hurts ranchers

Editor’s note. Yes, Mr. President. Halt cattle imports! Mexico and Canada live cattle imports drive US cattle prices down tremendously. Causing rural poverty, broken families, suicides, drugs.  Halt cattle imports and watch rural America prosper. WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said on Tuesday the United States should consider terminating trade deals under which it imports…

Americans Are Giving Made-in-China the Cold Shoulder

Editor’s note: These are astounding poll results showing how much the American voter wants out of China.  –  40% of Americans said they won’t buy products from China –  55% don’t think China can be trusted to follow through on its trade-deal commitments signed in January to buy more U.S. products–  78% percent said they’d be…

Exclusive: As China Hoarded Medical Supplies, the CIA Believes It Tried to Stop the WHO from Sounding the Alarm on the Pandemic

Editor’s note: More reports that China prevented the WTO from alerting the world re COVID, during the time that Beijing stockpiled medical supplies from around the world.  The CIA believes China tried to prevent the World Health Organization from sounding the alarm on the coronavirus outbreak in January—a time when Beijing was stockpiling medical supplies…

It’s Time to Exit Relics of Globalism Like the WTO

Editor’s note: The WTO was designed to be one of several agencies in a future global govt. Instead it aided and abetted the hollowing out of the US economy and the legitimization of authoritarian state-capitalism. “What’s good for the global economy” replaced “what’s good for America” as the guiding principle for Washington’s trade negotiators, diplomats, and…