CPA Economic Analysis: International Trade Has Depressed US Economy Since 1982
The Obama Administration and pro-free-trade hawks like Sen. Orrin Hatch continue to preach the virtues of free trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Pact even though
The Obama Administration and pro-free-trade hawks like Sen. Orrin Hatch continue to preach the virtues of free trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Pact even though
Balanced Trade: Key To US Economic RebirthBy Michael Stumo, President, and Jeff Ferry, Research Director, The United States has run a consistent deficit on our
By Jason Cooper, CPA Research Assistant The USA places duties on trade in response to unlawful trade practices by foreign companies, but in some cases
By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director Summary The US government should adopt balanced trade as a key performance measure for trade policy. Following 40 years
[Adam Behsudi| December 20, 2016 |Politico] President-elect Donald Trump met with veteran trade attorney Robert Lighthizer for 40 minutes at his Florida estate on Monday – 10
[Daily News| December 19, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Trade could play a part in the battle over who will lead the Democratic National Committee after
[Daily News| December 16, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Overall employee satisfaction at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is up by 7.5 percentage points
[Jason Gayle, Lydia Mulvany and Monte Reel | December 15, 2016 |Bloomberg] From the air, the Pearl River Delta in southern China’s Guangdong province resembles
[JARED BERNSTEIN AND DEAN BAKER| December 8, 2016 |The Atlantic] However one feels about Donald Trump, it’s fair to say he has usefully elevated a long-simmering issue
[Daily News | December 14, 2016 |Inside US Trade] President-elect Donald Trump told tech company leaders at a summit in New York on Wednesday that