Press Release: CPA Praises President Trump for Announcing Crucial Safeguard Tariffs on Imported Steel and Aluminum

Emergency tariffs will help to protect domestic steel producers against surging imports   Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous American (CPA) strongly applauds President Trump’s announcement of Section 232 safeguard tariffs on an unprecedented surge of steel and aluminum imports. The US Commerce Department recently reported that a wave of heavily subsidized steel and aluminum from China and 11…

The Trojan Dragon

Perhaps it’s the natural human aversion to bad news — sometimes known as the “ostrich effect” — but few opinion leaders on U.S. economic policy appear willing to take a cold, hard look at the state of U.S. manufacturing. If they did, they wouldn’t be happy. First, U.S. manufacturing suffered catastrophic losses in employment and…

NAFTA Watch – USTR Robert Lighthizer Interview With Laura Ingraham

As U.S. Trade Officials meet with auto executives surrounding ongoing NAFTA sector negotiations, U.S.T.R. Ambassador Robert Lighthizer appears on Fox News to discuss ongoing trade initiatives with Laura Ingraham. It’s challenging to discuss the basic ‘fatal flaw’ within a modern NAFTA in a short discussion segment; however, Ambassador Lighthizer, Secretary Ross and the newly positioned Peter Navarro have a…

Why We Need Tariffs on Steel

By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director The Department of Commerce report on steel imports and national security asks Americans a fundamental question: Are we going to defend the US steel industry from the decline caused by the growth of uneconomic foreign competition? Or, are we going to allow the industry to fade away and become…