Renegotiating NAFTA is putting lipstick on a pig
The first round of the Trump administration’s NAFTA renegotiations began in Washington wrapped up on Saturday. The negotiators will meet again in September in Mexico City and
The first round of the Trump administration’s NAFTA renegotiations began in Washington wrapped up on Saturday. The negotiators will meet again in September in Mexico City and
“The administration should reject fears of supply-chain disruption asserted by the import lobby,” said Michael Stumo, chief executive of the Coalition for a Prosperous America.
U.S. negotiators are considering a new approach to the controversial investor-state dispute settlement mechanism featuring an opt-in clause that would allow each of the three
It emerged this week that the Chinese government has been taking action to make sure that the Chinese Communist Party is the ultimate decisionmaker at
As DeliveredAugust 16, 2017Washington, DCAMBASSADOR LIGHTHIZER: This is an historic day for the United States. Today, for the first time, we will start negotiating to revise
You might think from recent press accounts that Steve Bannon is on the ropes and therefore behaving prudently. In the aftermath of events in Charlottesville,
Washington ~ The Coalition for a Prosperous America appreciates US Trade Ambassador Robert Lighthizer’s focus upon the trade deficit and rules of origin in NAFTA
President Trump took a bold step forward by reiterating his commitment to American workers as he continues to fight to end this American “carnage.” [Corey
Recent trade figures from the Department of Commerce show the U.S. international trade picture continues to deteriorate. The U.S. trade deficit in June hit $43.6 billion,
The usually sensible Brad DeLong is very unhappy with those who oppose the agenda that has passed for globalization over the last three decades. He argues that