Economic View: Tariffs Done Right Can Rebuild Our Economy

Economic View: Tariffs Done Right Can Rebuild Our Economy

Proposals for new tariffs face a lot of criticism these days, from the media, from economists, and from foreign policy types. Part of the reason is that it’s Donald Trump making the proposals and many in those groups don’t like Trump. But the fact is that tariffs can work to build our economy. They have worked before and they have worked recently as well.

Solid September Job Quality Index and Total Employment Growth, but Gains Tilted Towards Low Wage Service Jobs along with Declining Manufacturing Employment

Solid September Job Quality Index and Total Employment Growth, but Gains Tilted Towards Low Wage Service Jobs along with Declining Manufacturing Employment

The U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI) was 83.58, up by +0.58% from the preceding month. Moreover, the overall September 2024 Jobs Report from the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics showed strong job growth.

Commerce Finds Illegal Trade Practices in Solar Investigation, Plans 300% Tariff on Chinese Firms

Commerce Finds Illegal Trade Practices in Solar Investigation, Plans 300% Tariff on Chinese Firms

The U.S. Department of Commerce yesterday made a significant preliminary determination in its investigation into solar imports from Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand, confirming illegal trade practices through foreign subsidies.