Amazon in Business with Chinese Defense Contractor Banned by Washington. Why?
Amazon’s cloud service company isn’t breaking any laws. But is really okay for AWS to provide cloud computing to the Pentagon and China defense contractors?
Amazon’s cloud service company isn’t breaking any laws. But is really okay for AWS to provide cloud computing to the Pentagon and China defense contractors?
Financial Times columnist Rana Foroohar writes about the end times for globalization as we know. What comes next in the post-global world?
Washington proves to be more hawkish on China than Wall Street. Especially in the House of Representatives. A look at a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting.
Some in the Senate, like Sen. Bob Casey, say Washington needs to monitor what type of investment corporate America is making in China.
A CPA poll conducted by Morning Consult show that Americans wonder where their beef comes from. Bought it locally? Maybe it came from Brazil.
The UN Uyghur report called the situation in Xinjiang an international human rights crime. Who will be first to sue? And why are Vanguard and BlackRock allowed to invest in banned companies?
CPA economist Jeff Ferry talks about IPEF. What should Washington focus on, and what they should outright avoid.
The foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar is soaring on an almost daily basis, causing problems here at home and abroad. There is growing
South Korea does not like the Inflation Reduction Act’s special treatment of North American-made EVs. What can Washington do about it?
Saving the planet, one to-go Container at a time, new CPA board member Julianna Keeling started her business like many entrepreneurs do – in her garage.