The U.S. goods and services trade deficit rose 7.9% for the month of July, but the goods deficit alone hit a record for the year – $103.13 billion. The previous high was in May at $100.1 billion.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was asked to impose anti-dumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) on Southeast Asian solar companies in a letter from the United Steelworkers Union (USW) on Aug. 27.
If anyone needed yet another example of the importance of China miners and processing companies, Beijing said it would put restrictions on exports of antimony and processing equipment used in batteries and as an alloy to increase a metal’s strength.
Hofusan is one of the most well known investments of Chinese capital looking not only to sell to Mexican consumers, but – more obviously – to export everything from furniture to washing machines duty free to the United States.
Little has been said about what a Kamala Harris trade agenda would look like should she win in November, but new clues have emerged, and it seems fairly certain she would keep with the current trajectory of the Biden administration.
The U.S. goods and services deficit fell 2.5% in June to $73.1 billion, but that was still the third highest monthly deficit number this year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Tuesday.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has joined a chorus of Biden administration officials who all agree tariffs are needed to counter China’s mercantilism and export strategy.
During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) asked the No. 2 at the State Department to consider trade policy when thinking about China.