Trump Rebuffs Demands to Lift Tariffs as Economy Falters

Excerpt: “We appreciate President Trump’s statement yesterday that he is NOT planning on deferring the collection tariffs,” the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which has supported the tariffs, said in a statement Wednesday. “This is not a recession caused by lack of cheap goods,” they said. “Incentivizing imports would kill many U.S. jobs that remain.” The calls by…

Update on Administration COVID-19 Efforts 04/01/20

Editors note: this White House email has a comprehensive list of Covid information and resources. Assistance for American Workers and Families In the weeks immediately after the passage of the CARES Act, Americans will see fast and direct relief in the form of Economic Impact Payments. For more information, CLICK HERE. [Joseph Russo | April…

CPA Statement on Tariff Deferral

We appreciate President Trump’s statement yesterday that he is NOT planning on deferring the collection of tariffs. We can no longer listen to the advice of the stateless multinationals.  American companies, including CPA members, are suffering from a crash in demand. This is not a recession caused by lack of cheap goods. It is caused…

Chinese hackers attacked foreign health care, military, oil networks as coronavirus hit China

Editors note: the phase 1 US China agreement included measures two stop China’s hacking. Are they breaching? As the coronavirus epidemic reached crisis level in Wuhan, China, in January, a known group of state-backed cyber hackers launched attacks at healthcare companies and other key industries outside the country, according to cybersecurity company FireEye.   [Patrick Tucker…