Small Package Shipment Imports Don’t Work: Evidence Pours In

Evidence continues to pour in that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) can’t do its job against the daily tidal wave of small packages sent from abroad. CBP has warned for years that “the increase in small packages is permitting bad actors to operate with relative impunity.” However advocates for the lawlessness, namely express shippers…

Congress Can Fix the Dangerous Dependence on Imported Pharmaceuticals

Congress Can Fix the Dangerous Dependence on Imported Pharmaceuticals

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, consumers have become painfully aware of America’s heavy dependence on imports. The recent Amoxicillin shortage in hospitals has made this particularly clear since the United States is now highly reliant on imported antibiotics and other lifesaving medications. The United States is so deep in the hole when it…

Katherine Tai is Right to Protect Americans’ Digital Privacy

Katherine Tai is Right to Protect Americans’ Digital Privacy

Americans are understandably worried about internet privacy. In particular, they fear their personal information could be hacked at any time. And if you ask them whether China should have access to their social security numbers, credit cards, and banking info, the answer would be a resounding “No.” We live in a digital world, though. And…

De Minimis Loophole Contributing to Fentanyl Deaths

Loophole in U.S. Customs Law Contributing to Fentanyl Deaths

Last year, more than 73,000 Americans died from an overdose of the synthetic opioid fentanyl. The drug itself is cheap and readily available, with thousands of pounds flowing into the United States from Mexico every month. In fact, fentanyl seizures at the U.S.-Mexico border increased 164 percent between 2020 and 2022 alone. Even more disturbing is that Americans can now have…