CPA Suggests Improvements to Buy American Executive Order

CPA sent the following letter to President Biden asking that he take into consideration three suggestions to ensure the strongest Buy American provisions possible.  Dear President Biden: The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) would like to reiterate our thanks following our press release last week supporting your Buy American Executive Order (EO).[1] Your emphasis…

Industry and Union Coalition Outlines Policy Recommendations in Letters to President Biden, Congressional Leaders

WASHINGTON—A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential PPE and other products throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter today to President Biden and congressional leaders outlining recommendations on specific policy initiatives that must be adopted to re-establish a permanent…

CPA Reshoring Index Shows Manufacturing Import Penetration Hit New Low in Q1 2020

By Steven L. Byers, PhD, and Jeff Ferry The CPA Reshoring Index (CRI) rose to +173 in the first quarter of 2020, indicating that US manufacturers gained 1.73 percentage points of market share in the US market for manufactured goods. Import penetration in US manufacturing in the first quarter fell to 28.9%, its lowest level…

Supercharging Infrastructure Spending With Strict Buy America Rules

According to a new CPA analysis, a Congressional five-year $1.5 trillion infrastructure investment plan could create 2.5 million jobs by 2025 while bringing sorely needed improvement to the nation’s deteriorating infrastructure. However, the analysis finds that a quarter of the spending would go on imported materials and supplies. The same infrastructure plan implemented under a…

CPA Urges Action on Vietnam’s Deliberate Currency Manipulation

Sends letter to U.S. Trade Representative in support of Section 301 Trade Case Sends letter to U.S. Trade Representative in support of Section 301 Trade Case Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) has submitted comments to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) in support of an investigation into Vietnam’s deliberate currency undervaluation.…

FDA Releases Massive List of Essential Medicines That Should Be Made In USA

By Kenneth Rapoza, CPA Industry Analyst Score one for the local pharmaceutical industry. FDA’s essential medicine and critical inputs list gives domestic producers a a sense of exactly what government procurement contracts will place under Buy America provisions. The Food & Drug Administration released a massive list of essential medicines and critical inputs on Friday…