Mexico and China Trade Problems Mounting, Senator Sherrod Brown, Others on Finance Committee Say

Mexico and China Trade Problems Mounting, Senator Sherrod Brown, Others on Finance Committee Say

Despite USMCA being the “gold standard” trade agreement, Mexican trade problems are increasing with the U.S.  The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday brought up the surge of Mexico steel imports into the United States, in breach of a 2019 joint statement. Some are calling for steel tariffs now. Mexico is preparing to retaliate. Sen. Sherrod…

U.S. Senate Tariff Proposals

The U.S. Senate Is Producing Terrific Tariff Bills; Will Leadership Notice?

The 118th Congress (2023-2024) is easily the best Congress we’ve had in the 21st century when it comes to tariff policy. U.S. Senators in particular are introducing new tariff bills for different products and industries.


New Manufacturing Increasingly Going to Lower Income Towns. This is a Good Thing.

The U.S. manufacturing boom, which started slowly since the implementation of tariffs on steel, aluminum, some China imports, and sped along by new laws favoring domestic supply chains, has had a positive impact on lower income counties nationwide.