CPA Commentary: How to Think About the New Peterson Institute Report on the TPP

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 25, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145, [email protected] by Michael Stumo, CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) released a report today that trumpets embarrassingly small gains from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. The PIIE and media headline writers wrongly focus upon one number – $141B…

American Antitrust Institute: Commentary: Could the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Chapters in the Two Pending U.S. Trade Pacts Undermine Competition Policy?

The Obama administration is pursuing two major trade agreements—the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the European Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with eleven countries in the Pacific Rim. Provisions in these agreements could undermine national sovereignty and a slew of regulations, including laws protecting competitive markets. These threats stem in large part…