We Need to be Better at Industrial Policy

We Need to be Better at Industrial Policy By Amanda Mayoral, CPA Economist   Industrial policy is critical to competing in a global economy and maintaining our national security. In the world of U.S. economic policymaking, we need to stop wasting time debating whether to “do” industrial policy and rather debate how to improve it.…

Coalition Letter Regarding the COMPETES Act’s Inclusion of Legislation to Address De Minimis Loophool

CPA joined the following coalition letter in support of the inclusion of Representative Earl Blumenauer’s (D-OR) Import Security and Fairness Act in the America COMPETES Act, House Democrats China competition bill. CPA strongly supports the Import Security and Fairness Act, which will narrow an import loophole, known as de minimis, that is used by non-market…

CPA: Reported White House Decision on Section 201 Solar Safeguards would Decimate U.S. Solar Manufacturers

Decision would go against 90% of voters who want to manufacture solar panels in the U.S. WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) released a statement after reports that the White House is considering extending the Section 201 solar safeguard tariffs on Chinese imports, but excluding imported bifacial solar products. If the White…

CPA: Biden Administration Should Ignore WTO Ruling in Favor of CCP

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) released the following statement after a World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitration panel authorized China to impose retaliatory tariffs worth $645 million on imports from the U.S. in a case from 2012 regarding Chinese subsidies to promote exports of products such as solar panels and steel pipes:…

Alternative Pillar 1 Formulas for International Fairness

by Jeff Ferry and David Morse Jeff Ferry is chief economist and David Morse is tax policy director at the Coalition for a Prosperous America. They thank Mary Hollenbeck for her data collection and additional research for this article. In this article, Ferry and Morse examine the advantages and disadvantages of pillar 1 of the…

CPA Applauds Trade Title of House China Competition Bill

“Most pro-worker trade legislation introduced in Congress in decades.” WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today applauded the trade title of House Democrats’ China competition bill, the America COMPETES Act of 2022, which contained a number of provisions that CPA supports and encouraged the House to include. The trade title of House…

CPA: Congress Must Include Bipartisan, Bicameral National Critical Capabilities Defense Act in China Competitiveness Bill

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today called on Congress to include the bipartisan, bicameral National Critical Capabilities Defense Act in any China competitiveness legislation considered by the House and Senate. The legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and John Cornyn (R-TX). It was introduced in the…

CPA Urges House Committee to Reject Pro-China Trade Provisions in Senate China Bill

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today wrote to Members of the House Ways and Means Committee regarding renewed efforts in Congress to “pass legislation to increase our nation’s competitiveness with China in the face of decades of economic espionage, theft of trade secrets and Intellectual Property (IP), state support for key…