A Deloitte survey of CFOs says that nearly half are facing serious supply chain disruptions. They all want to move away from a China-centric model. But will their new “supply chain resilience” push mean nothing for U.S. manufacturing, everything from Southeas Asia and Mexico?
A labor auditor in Shenzhen called Verite was raided and shut down in April. It’s another mark against those companies like Nike that believe auditing their factory floors in China won’t be that difficult. In many cases, it might not be allowed.
Customs makes good on its promise to root out imported solar cells and panels believed to have been made from polysilicon produced by Hoshine Silicon Industry, banned from the U.S. solar supply chain this summer.
Another positive in the Senate’s recently passed $550 billion infrastructure bill: finding, and producing, more of the minerals that will power a post-fossil fuel economy. If not done fast, the U.S. will be wholly dependent on foreign sources of energy materials.
We looked closer at the new Senate infrastructure bill. Title IX Build America, Buy America would be a big win for President Biden. And, potentially, for U.S. manufacturing and reshoring.
A House Select Committee on Climate hearing looked at climate change policies and economic growth. They focused mostly on tax incentives and federal loans. But big OEMs like Ford may still ‘go green’ elsewhere. Here’s why.
CPA supports country of origin labeling for beef. That wasn’t top of mind for the Congress this week. But both Houses recognized in hearings on Wednesday that corporate control and centralization is bad for small to midsized ranchers.
President Biden will need to press the Europeans a little more if he wants to use his “work with allies” approach on dealing with China’s genocide policies against Muslim minority groups in Xinjiang.
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the one-year anniversary of the USMCA. U.S Steelworkers Union, and others, say where the new NAFTA is working, and where it’s not.
The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade heard from witnesses on forced labor practices worldwide, and whether or not current measures are putting a dent in it or not.