Diverse Coalition Condemns Corporate Sponsorship of China’s Genocide Games

WASHINGTON — Ahead of the Beijing 2022 Closing Ceremony, a diverse coalition of human rights groups and bipartisan organizations representing U.S. industry and workers issued a joint statement condemning America’s largest corporations for sponsoring the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China. Despite international calls from human rights advocates, governments of democratic nations, and ample…

CPA Calls for Full 301 Tariff Implementation in Light of China’s Violation of Phase One Deal

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today called on the Biden administration to fully implement all tariffs the U.S. government imposed on China pursuant to Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act in light of China’s violation of the Phase One deal. As part of this enforceable agreement, China pledged to increase…

CPA Urges Commerce to Investigate Illegal Chinese Circumvention

WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) released a statement in support of a petition filed by Auxin Solar, Inc., a U.S. headquartered company that manufactures solely in America, requesting that the U.S. Department of Commerce close a loophole that is being exploited by Chinese companies operating in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia…

New Study: Global Currency Misalignment Challenges US Reindustrialization Efforts

A new CPA study, using widely accepted methodology and IMF data, shows that for the world’s major economies to achieve fair currency values and eliminate global imbalances, large adjustments in major currencies would be required. The dollar would need to fall by 16.6%, while the Chinese yuan would need to rise against the dollar by…