Currency Misalignment Effects Far Outweigh The Effect Of Tariffs: Subsidizing Imports And Penalizing U.S. Exports

Currency Misalignment Effects Far Outweigh the Effect of Tariffs: Subsidizing Imports and Penalizing U.S. Exports

USD Overvaluation affecting U.S. trade with the world by $364 billion, compared to only a $30 billion effect from current tariffs. Currency misalignment also has a larger effect in more heavily tariffed countries, such as China.

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The next president should use every tool to rebuild America’s productivity, industrial base and middle class. And they should ignore the conventional economic textbook view that predicts calamity if those tools are used, especially because these predictions never come true.


CPA to Biden Administration: Do Not Grant Socialist Republic of Vietnam “Market Economy Status”

Akin to granting PNTR to China in 2000 WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) called on the Biden administration to reject misguided calls to revoke the non-market economy status of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam — a nation where the economy remains highly controlled by the government. According to a report by…

U.S. International Debt Has Doubled in Five Years to Over $50,000 For Each American

America’s international debt continues to grow. According to the federal government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, our international debt, referred to in government data as Net International Investment Position (NIIP) reached negative $16.1 trillion at the end of 2022, in other words a debt of just over $16 trillion to foreigners. This is equivalent to 69%…