Owl Labs - China

Did the General Services Administration Break “Buy American” Laws In Purchase Of Owl Labs Video Cameras Made in China?

Owl Labs of Massachusetts may look like an American company, but other than the U.S.-based venture capital that funds it, and the intellectual property behind it, their 360-degree video cameras are made in China.

U.S. Senate Tariff Proposals

The U.S. Senate Is Producing Terrific Tariff Bills; Will Leadership Notice?

The 118th Congress (2023-2024) is easily the best Congress we’ve had in the 21st century when it comes to tariff policy. U.S. Senators in particular are introducing new tariff bills for different products and industries.

China Solar

New Horizon Advisory Report Details Alarming Threat of China’s Stranglehold on Global Solar Market

An alarming new report from Horizon Advisory details China’s distortion of the global solar industry and how that threatens the national and economic security of the United States as it “risks making the United States dependent, and dependent on an adversary, for a strategic, future energy source.”