The capacity for China to overproduce anything is legion. This is especially true for big ticket items sold around the world, from cars to steel to China’s top green tech product line – solar cells and modules.
The Wall Street Journal has started 2024 bemoaning tariffs. They are for losers, the WSJ Inside View columnist Andy Kessler wrote in December, ending 2023 with a taste of what is expected to come this year, an election year.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee said in its hearing on U.S. capital flows to China military companies on Wednesday that it would push the full House to take up legislation that would restrict outbound investment to entire sectors of the Chinese economy.
The Biden administration’s signature clean energy law, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), got its clock cleaned last week at a Senate Energy Committee hearing.
A Customs investigation prompted by the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) suggests Southeast Asian exporters of kitchen and bath cabinetry and vanities are picking up where the mainland Chinese left off.
The world’s fourth largest steel producer – Nippon Steel of Japan – made an offer to buy the third largest steelmaker in the U.S., U.S. Steel Corporation, in an all cash purchase priced at $55 a share in December, nearly double the company’s share price from early August.