The Coalition to Close the De Minimis Loophole launched today, representing thousands of voices, from the families of victims of fentanyl fatalities and nonprofit and nonpartisan organizations to labor unions, domestic law enforcement associations, domestic manufacturers, and business associations.
The RSC bill sends a strong message to lawmakers like Financial Services Committee Chairman Patrick McHenry, who has consistently done the bidding of Wall Street and the CPP.
China’s predatory auto industry is a direct threat to American auto manufacturers and the hundreds of thousands of hard-working men and women that rely on this critical industry.
The decision, which will result in nearly 1,000 employee layoffs in April, is a direct result of the U.S. International Trade Commission’s (ITC) determination that illegally dumped and subsidized imports of tin mill products from China, Canada and Germany do not sufficiently harm the U.S. domestic steel industry.
An alarming new report from Horizon Advisory details China’s distortion of the global solar industry and how that threatens the national and economic security of the United States as it “risks making the United States dependent, and dependent on an adversary, for a strategic, future energy source.”
Chairman Gallagher and Ranking Member Krishnamoorthi’s bipartisan investigation is an alarming documentation of how American venture capital firms are investing billions into malign CCP companies.
An alarming new report released by the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) has identified 40 Chinese publicly traded companies in the U.S. capital markets which have strategic links to Iran.
CPA’s report exposes that “Aurobindo does business with at least four suppliers that have ties to organizations under US sanctions for their connections to China’s military industry.”
The Biden administration must take swift action to close this loophole, it should issue nationwide withhold release order on all Chinese textiles, and Congress should pass legislation immediately.