America’s Trade Deficits

Editors note: Ken Austin, a former treasury official, explains the intricacies of capital flows, exchange rates, and the trade deficit. Blame U.S. Policies – Starting With Tax Laws By Ken Austin For over 15 years, the United States has been locked in an escalating and seemingly endless trade war with political allies and adversaries. The…

5 Smart Reasons to Tax Foreign Capital

Editors note: Professor Michael Pettis wrote the book called “The Great Rebalancing” and is a core expert on global trade and balances. He is supportive of the Competitive Dollar for Jobs and Prosperity Act recently introduced by senators Baldwin and Hawley. A bipartisan bill that would create a trade-balancing exchange rate for the dollar also aims to reduce…

China Cannot Weaponize Its U.S. Treasury Bonds

Editor’s note: Important for financial press (and others) to understand this. Excerpt: “By purchasing fewer U.S. government bonds… Beijing would leave the United States either unchanged or better off, while doing so would also leave China either unchanged or worse off.” Note: This is a follow-up to an article here from May 16 and an updated version of…

Dethrone ‘King Dollar’

Editor’s note. This four year old article by Jared Bernstein, former Chief Economist for former VP Joe Biden is an excellent explanation of why and how the US dollar value has a major influence on our trade deficit. CPA has the solution, a market access charge to moderate incoming capital flows and push the dollar down to…