MP Materials Rare Earth Production Rises, But Price Slump Challenges Industry

MP Materials Rare Earth Production Rises, But Price Slump Challenges Industry

MP Materials, the only active rare earths mining company in the U.S., is making great progress. And yet at the same time, the company just reported a financial loss. The contradiction illustrates the challenges involved for the U.S. in rebuilding a rare earths industrial capability.

John Deere: Shrinking In Iowa, But Set To Grow In Mexico

John Deere: Shrinking In Iowa, But Set To Grow In Mexico

John Deere will lay off or offer early retirement to over 200 workers in Iowa, while at the same time the tractor producer is gearing up to move production of mid-frame skid steer loaders and compact loaders from its plant in Dubuque, Iowa to a proposed new facility in Mexico.

Partisan Joint Economic Committee Argues Over What’s Better: Trump Tax Cuts Or Biden Industrial Policy

Partisan Joint Economic Committee Argues Over What’s Better: Trump Tax Cuts Or Biden Industrial Policy

Last week, Republicans and Democrats from the Senate’s Joint Economic Committee squared off against each other – with one side arguing in favor of industrial policy programs like the Inflation Reduction Act – and the other side arguing in favor of lower corporate taxes.

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The next president should use every tool to rebuild America’s productivity, industrial base and middle class. And they should ignore the conventional economic textbook view that predicts calamity if those tools are used, especially because these predictions never come true.