CPA Model: US-UK Trade Agreement Would Make Over 3,000 Unemployed, Reduce GDP in U.S.

Key Points CPA’s economic modeling of a U.S.-U.K. free trade agreement that cut tariffs to zero between the two countries shows that such an agreement would increase unemployment by more than 2,000 jobs and reduce U.S. GDP by $142 million. This economic model includes for the first time a methodology for estimating job loss due…

House Foreign Affairs Says To ‘Work With Allies’ on China, Focus on Indo-Pacific

The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday heard from witnesses on what “working with allies” on China really entails. First, a focus on soft power in Indo-Pacific, which means funding development projects there. Second, a reminder that a weak, China-dependent Europe makes it harder for them to join forces with Washington.

‘Made in America’ Pandemic Preparedness Act Passes Committee Unanimously. Now What?

Both houses of Congress have bills that have passed committees, easily, in regard to building domestic supply of personal protective equipment for medical staff. These bills need to hit the floor so President Biden can sign them. But, more importantly, Buy American provisions face serious WTO risk, making all of this action moot.