Solar Industry’s Employment Estimates Are Out of This World

The Solar Energy Industry Association has claimed that 30,000 jobs could be lost if tariffs are reinstated on solar panels coming in from Chinese companies based in Southeast Asia. This claim is wholly fictitious, based on inflated job numbers and a purely hypothetical analysis of the sort that has been disproved by the facts again…

U.S. International Debt Has Doubled in Five Years to Over $50,000 For Each American

America’s international debt continues to grow. According to the federal government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, our international debt, referred to in government data as Net International Investment Position (NIIP) reached negative $16.1 trillion at the end of 2022, in other words a debt of just over $16 trillion to foreigners. This is equivalent to 69%…

Secretary Janet Yellen

U.S. Treasury Continues Undoing of Inflation Reduction Act

On Friday, March 31, the U.S. Treasury launched their latest torpedo targeting the Inflation Reduction Act’s domestic manufacturing policies. This time, it’s over what countries have a “free trade agreement” with the United States. This is actually universally understood fact: there are twenty countries. But to grow the list beyond the twenty, so as to…