China Solar Company, Accused Of Circumventing Tariffs, Wants To Set Up Shop In Texas Free Trade Zone

China Solar Company, Accused Of Circumventing Tariffs, Wants To Set Up Shop In Texas Free Trade Zone

If Trina does not get into the FTZ in Texas, they may cancel their September 2023 planned investment. Trina is building a factory in Mexico and can eventually ship solar here duty-free under the USMCA. At least, however, we would not be subsidizing them via the IRA.

Senators, House Reps Convince Commerce To Move Ahead On China Solar Investigation

Senators, House Reps Convince Commerce To Move Ahead On China Solar Investigation

The Chinese-dominated solar industry has come under increased pressure lately, with tariffs raised on May 14, a two-year moratorium on dumping duties ending on Thursday, and the U.S. International Trade Commission voting 4-0 to initiate a new solar trade case on Friday.

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The Case for More Aggressive Tariffs, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy

The next president should use every tool to rebuild America’s productivity, industrial base and middle class. And they should ignore the conventional economic textbook view that predicts calamity if those tools are used, especially because these predictions never come true.

Senate Finance: De Minimis

Senate Finance’s Subcommittee on Trade Takes One-Sided Approach to De Minimis Import Rule

The U.S. Senate Finance Subcommittee for International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness took a one-sided view on the de minimis exemption in a hearing on Tuesday, rejecting anything but technocratic changes to the global duty-free rule for small packages priced under $800.