Senate Finance: De Minimis

Senate Finance’s Subcommittee on Trade Takes One-Sided Approach to De Minimis Import Rule

The U.S. Senate Finance Subcommittee for International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness took a one-sided view on the de minimis exemption in a hearing on Tuesday, rejecting anything but technocratic changes to the global duty-free rule for small packages priced under $800.

CPA CEO Michael Stumo and USTR's Beth Baltzan Talk Trade

A New Trade Policy Has Emerged: CPA CEO Michael Stumo Chats with USTR Senior Advisor Beth Baltzan

A new trade policy isn’t just emerging; it’s emerged. Six years after former President Donald Trump and his chief trade diplomat Robert Lighthizer imposed tariffs on nearly $400 billion worth of imported goods from China, President Biden has done the same.