Press Release \ Job Quality Instant Report: Job Creation and Job Quality are up in November

Job Quality Instant Report: Job Creation and Job Quality are up in November Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 266,000 jobs in November, substantially above the median market expectation of 185,000. Within the private sector, goods-producing employment (mining and logging, construction, and manufacturing) increased by 48,000 jobs, while the service-providing sector created 206,000 new jobs.…

Press Release \ CPA Partners on Release of National Jobs Quality Index

Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today announced the launch of a comprehensive new economic indicator, the US Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI). CPA has partnered with Cornell University, the University of Missouri, and the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity (GISP) to unveil a new measure of America’s changing employment situation. The…

Historic Launch of US Job Quality Index – Join Us

The US has long provided measures of the quantity of jobs created, but not the quality of those jobs. Our new index (JQI) answers many important questions including why the Philips Curve is not working, why global trade and deindustrialization deteriorate the quality of the employment.  Please join us! We’re pleased to announce the following…

Manufacturing Jobs and Income Decline

After the year 2000, US manufacturing employment experienced a rapid, unprecedented decline with the loss of some six million manufacturing jobs. Many commentators have described this as a normal, even healthy evolution, with workers allegedly moving into “jobs of the future” in the service sector. After the year 2000, US manufacturing employment experienced a rapid,…

Update: Across-the-Board Tariffs on China with Retaliation & Federal Spending Create Over 1 Million Jobs in Five Years

This Working Paper presents the results of a CPA econometric model showing that a permanent tariff on Chinese imports would stimulate the US economy. by Jeff Ferry (Chief Economist) and Steven Byers (Senior Economist) The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) has updated a prior study on the impact of permanent tariffs on all Chinese imports. Specifically, we…

US Agriculture Has Failed To Benefit From Korean Free Trade Agreement: Time For a New Approach

By Jeff Ferry, CPA Research Director  A major reason the US Congress and Obama administration approved the KORUS free trade agreement with South Korea in 2011 was the expected benefits to US agricultural exports.  Six years later, it’s now clear those benefits have not materialized. US agricultural exports to South Korea have fallen 9% since 2011,…