China is forecast to account for 45% of the world’s global industrial production by 2030. That growth comes at the expense of the West, which is projected to drop to 11% of global production in the next five years.
The American people have made it clear they want strong trade policies that restore American self-reliance. Passing GSP or AGOA now would be a direct affront to the incoming administration’s mission to rebuild American industry and secure our nation’s future.
This legislation would end China’s Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status, a necessary move as China continues to flood global markets with artificially cheap goods, displacing U.S. investment and jobs.
Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK-3) sat down with the Hudson Institute on Monday for a one hour event on how to counter China economically and the biggest takeaway was the obvious: it won’t be easy, and everyone has a different opinion on it.
China recently became the world’s largest car exporter, and by all accounts their global market share will keep expanding. One silver lining, at least, is that more and more leaders are figuring out that absent tariff increases, our nation will become a slave to foreign nations that do prioritize production.
By Charles Benoit, CPA Trade Counsel In December, the U.S.-China Commission, a group created by Congress to advise on managing the bilateral relationship, formally recommended
The U.S. China Economic And Security Review Commission debated ways to better deal with China’s non-market economy in the WTO. Tariffs were part of the solution.