House Ways & Means Tackles Critical Minerals for Biden’s Post-Fossil Fuels Economy
The U.S. has passed laws promoting the use of electric vehicles and battery manufacturing. But where will all the raw materials come from?
The U.S. has passed laws promoting the use of electric vehicles and battery manufacturing. But where will all the raw materials come from?
The House Financial Services Committee says American consumers are helped by a strong dollar, which lowers the price of imports to the tune of up to $45 billion per year in savings. In a $23 trillion economy, is an overvalued dollar really worth it?
House Homeland Committee leadership say DoJ, FBI, and Homeland have all failed in stopping China espionage, IP theft.
At a recent House Ways & Means subcommittee hearing on trade, CEO Michael Stumo talks de minimis, and the inescapable realities of China’s forced labor.
In latest House Select Committee on China hearing, more tariffs, more Wall Street bans, and more tech restrictions are warranted.
A House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hears from witnesses about how to curtail exports of critical technologies to China. Some say there are too many lists.
The U.S. is increasingly reliant on imported drugs from uninspected labs. It’s not safe. What can be done about it?
What are international standards organizations and what happens if China becomes the standard setter on things like artificial intelligence, and information technology and communications.
The trade deficit is financing China’s rise, some members of the House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade say. What’s at stake? Is it fixable?
Will the Inflation Reduction Act further solidify Chinese multinationals as the indisputable champions of global ‘green tech’ manufacturing?