Biden administration drops the ball on Mexico’s steel surge

Michael Stumo: Biden Administration Drops the Ball on Mexico’s Steel Surge

For more than two years, domestic steel producers have been urging the Biden administration to act on Mexico’s steel surge. But despite Mexico’s clear breaching of the agreement for several years, the Biden administration chose to negotiate rather than enforce a standing international agreement.

U.S. Aluminum Industry Undermined by Dumping, Import Flood, and Trade Agreement Violations

U.S. Aluminum Industry Undermined by Dumping, Import Flood, and Trade Agreement Violations

Aluminum imports into the U.S. have surged in recent years, with some product categories seeing a 380% increase since 2015. Many countries have already been found guilty of dumping aluminum into the U.S. at artificially low prices.

Job Quality Index and Manufacturing Employment Increase Slightly, but July Job Report Shows a Darkening Employment Landscape

Job Quality Index and Manufacturing Employment Increase Slightly, but July Job Report Shows a Darkening Employment Landscape

the U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI) was 82.99, up by +0.41% from the preceding month. Despite this slight increase in the JQI, the overall July 2024 Jobs Report from the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics showed weak job growth.