WSJ: China Expands Island Construction in Disputed South China Sea

BEIJING—Newly released satellite images show a dramatic expansion in China’s construction of artificial islands on disputed South China Sea reefs, intensifying concerns about Beijing’s territorial ambitions. [Reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  Jeremy Page and Julian Barnes  |  February 18, 2015] The images provide the first visual evidence that China has built an artificial…

A letter from the Interfaith Working Group on Trade and Investment Opposing Fast Track

The Interfaith Working Group on Trade and Investment – representing Quaker, Jewish, Protestant and Catholic organizations,  – has written a letter in opposition to Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority.  Here is their letter: February 17, 2015 Dear Representative/Senator: As religious bodies and faith-based organizations, we write today to ask you to oppose fast track trade…

Huffington Post: Democrat Says Obama Administration Dodging Request To Read Trade Deals Without Restrictions

WASHINGTON — A Democratic congressman has accused the Obama administration of dodging his request for “unimpeded” access to two controversial trade agreements — reigniting a dispute over transparency as the president presses legislators for so-called “fast-track” authority, which would block members of Congress from offering amendments to either deal. [Reposted from the Huffington Post  | …

Inside US Trade: House Bill Would Prohibit President From Entering Into Trade, Investment Deals With ISDS Provisions

Editor’s Note: On Feb. 13, 2015 Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI) introduced H.R. 967, a bill which would prohibit the president from entering into free trade agreements or investment treaties that include investor-state dispute settlement provisions. [Reposted from Inside US Trade  |  February 17, 2015] The twelve Democrats co-sponsoring the bill included: James McGovern (D-MA), Jan…

EPI: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Could Be Much Worse than the Over-Hyped Korea Deal

President Obama and his predecessors have frequently claimed that free trade agreements (FTAs) and other trade deals will lead to growing exports and domestic job creation. The president is currently negotiating two massive new FTAs that are likely to result in increased outsourcing and growing job losses, especially in the manufacturing sector. This paper reviews recent…