Meat & Poultry: Ticked at TPP

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Opponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership are raising their voices just as multiple industries in the United States applaud US trade negotiators for reaching an agreement on the trade pact. [Reposted from Meat & Poultry  |  Erica Shaffer  |  October 6, 2015] R-CALF USA expressed its opposition to the deal because it…

International Business Times: Trans-Pacific Partnership: US, Pacific Rim Nations Reach TPP Trade Deal

ATLANTA — Ending seven years of stop-and-start negotiations, officials from 12 Pacific Rim countries clinched early Monday a free-trade agreement that will allow two-fifths of the world’s goods and services to move more easily — but not entirely freely — across national borders. The pact, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, also poses a challenge to China, by…

Ford Statement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

  Editor’s Note:  The following is a statement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) from Ziad Ojakli, Group Vice President for Government and Community Relations: WASHINGTON, DC, October  5, 2015 – “As a top U.S. exporter, Ford supports free trade agreements that result in real market openings and a level playing field for all to compete. “Within…