Trump Must Be Realistic in Negotiations with China

President Trump’s proposed 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports could leverage significant changes in trade with the Middle Kingdom, but to succeed he must address Beijing more realistically than past presidents. [Peter Morici| January 22, 2017 |Washington Times] Since Richard Nixon’s historic trip, U.S. policy has been premised on the notion that offering China wider…

Brady defends border adjustability as WTO-compliant, but expects outcry from other countries

Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) defended the House GOP’s tax blueprint — particularly its border adjustability provision — by saying he is “very confident” the bill would withstand World Trade Organization challenges if it became law, though he expects other countries to criticize the move nonetheless. [Daily News| January 24, 2017 |Inside…

Ford CEO touts TPP withdrawal after Trump meeting

Ford Motor Company CEO Mark Fields on Tuesday praised President Trump for abandoning the Trans-Pacific Partnership after a breakfast meeting with Trump and other leaders of the U.S. auto industry. [Daily News| January 24, 2017 |Inside US Trade] “I would just call out yesterday the president’s decision to withdraw from the TPP,” Ford told reporters…

Re-thinking trade: First, withdraw from TPP

Washington Fair Trade Coalition 606 Maynard Ave S, Suite 102  –  Seattle, WA 98104  –  (206) 227-3079 Seattle, WA – Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) marks two important accomplishments. We stop digging ourselves into a deeper hole on trade policy, and we begin to rethink our approach to globalization.  For decades, we have mismanaged globalization,…

Media Coverage: Jeff Ferry on NPR’s “On Point” Discusses Globalization Under a Trump Administration

Jeff Ferry, CPA’s Research Director was a guest on “On Point,” a radio show on NPR and he discusses globalization under a Trump administration. Jeff refutes free traders such as Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator for the Financial Times as well as Ken Rogoff, professor of public policy and professor of economics at Harvard University. Jeff…

TPP Withdrawal Good First Step Toward Building Trade Policies that Benefit Working People

AFL-CIO Press Release AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made the following statement about the withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Last year, a powerful coalition of labor, environmental, consumer, public health and allied groups came together to stop the TPP. Today’s announcement that the US is withdrawing from TPP and seeking a reopening of NAFTA is…

Border-Adjustable Taxes Good For US Economy

Last week, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI.) spoke in support of the current GOP tax reform proposal,  Last week, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI.) spoke in support of the current GOP tax reform proposal, including border-adjustable tax provisions. The Speaker was responding to a question from Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) member Bill Jones at a…

Inaugural address: Trump’s full speech

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together we will determine the course of America and…