ITC Report: U.S. has Lost Aluminum Production and Jobs Because of China

Subsidized Chinese aluminum production has soared in recent years. The Trump administration has its eyes firmly on the prize when it comes to the U.S. Commerce Department’s Section 232 investigation into the national security implications of America’s steel import levels. [MATTHEW MCMULLAN| July 11, 2017 |Alliance for American Manufacturing] Yeah man. Their eyes are trained squarely on the…

U.S., Canadian autoworker unions issue joint NAFTA priorities

Unifor and United Autoworkers, representing Canadian and U.S. autoworkers, have laid out four priorities the unions say must be addressed in the renegotiation of NAFTA: strengthening labor standards and boosting wages; balanced trade; “real ‘made in North America’ rules”; and benefits for workers being fairly shared in all three NAFTA countries. [Jack Caporal| July 11, 2017…

Former White House economist failures now against 232 remedies

By Michael Stumo Former White House CEA and NEC chairs again reveal why our economy declined and stagnated under their collective watches.  They worry about speculative diplomatic repercussions from dealing with overcapacity and national security issues as the US considers neutralizing the problem.  Not a word from these Very Smart People about other countries who should, perhaps,…

Following the G20: Trade as a (re)work in progress

Call it international trade’s (re)work in progress, following the G20 meeting, which produced: [Daily News| July 11, 2017 |Inside US Trade] A united front on overcapacity issues, with an emphasis on steel – and some target deadlines for OECD recommendations on “concrete policy solutions that reduce steel excess capacity.” A flurry of comments from President Trump,…

Media Coverage: Support for Amending US-Korea Trade Deal Interest Group Claims US Performed Better Without It

Originally appears on Global Trade Magazine The Trump administration has made public its intent to seek amendments to the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. The administration has said that USTR will request a special session under Article 22.2 of the agreement, which will start a 30-day clock requiring both countries’ officials to meet and discuss amendments. In…

White House to poach Senate for National Economic Council

The White House is planning to poach a leading Republican congressional trade staffer to fill a key post on its National Economic Council, according to administration and private sector sources with knowledge of the staff move. [ADAM BEHSUDI , ANDREW RESTUCCIA and BEN WHITE | June 6, 2017 |Politico] Everett Eissenstat, now the chief Republican trade counsel for the Senate…

Sources: Language on WTO, ‘reciprocal’ trade causes roadblocks in negotiations for G20 communiqué

HAMBURG — Negotiations for a joint statement on trade at the G20 leaders summit are running into similar roadblocks to previous negotiations for communiqués under the Trump presidency, including wording on protectionism and “reciprocal” trade — which the U.S. administration has pushed for in every joint statement with foreign leaders — and whether the World…