U.S. Corporations Still Avoiding Corporate Taxes

David Morse is tax policy director at the Coalition for a Prosperous America Education Fund. Follow him on Twitter @CentristinIdaho. There was a lot of fuss in late 2017 when Congress passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA). The legislation was expected to significantly revamp America’s tax system — and hopefully tackle the thorny…

Biden blueprint addresses real world trade problems

Editor’s Note: Michael Stumo is CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA). Follow him on Twitter @michael_stumo. It’s not a stretch to say that President Trump has been a fervent champion of economic nationalism or that he’s actively confronted China’s predatory trade practices. As president, Trump has imposed 25 percent tariffs on a broad…

US, UK Should Partner on 5G as Huawei Concerns Build

Editor’s Note: Jeff Ferry is chief economist at the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA). Follow him @Menloferry Currently, there are only two non-Chinese wireless network vendors, Nokia and Ericsson. [Jeff Ferry | July 2, 2020 | Industry Week] In the global competition for wireless networks, Chinese tech firm Huawei is now the world’s leader. The…

Fraud From The Great Wall Hits Wall Street

Editor’s Note: Michael Stumo is CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA). Follow him at @michael_stumo U.S. investors recently learned a hard lesson about Luckin Coffee, a strong rival to Starbucks in China. The company admitted that much of its 2019 sales had been fabricated. Luckin’s stock, which is listed on the Nasdaq, had…

A deal on corporate tax rules is still possible

Editor’s note: CPA board member Bill Parks concisely shows, in this Financial Times letter to the editor, why sales apportioned taxation fixes most of the important global and domestic taxation problems.  In his new letter to European finance ministers, US Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin (FT View, June 19) declared an impasse in talks to adopt…

The US Finally Saw Some Reshoring Action in 2019

Excerpt: The CPA Reshoring Index (CRI) reports some good news—that the share of American-made manufacturing goods consumed in the U.S. market jumped significantly in 2019. But can the nation sustain that growth, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic? But can the nation sustain that growth, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic? [Jeff Ferry…