CPA Encourages Members to Pursue New Federal Loan Program for Domestic Manufacturers

In response to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Defense Department (DOD) and the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) have launched a program to provide federal loans for domestic U.S. industry. The initiative will make available $100 million from COVID-19 relief funds to help reshore critical domestic manufacturing capacity. The funds being…

Member Op-ed | U.S. Must Finally Address Tax Avoidance Controversy

Editor’s Note: Bill Parks sits on the CPA board of directors and is the founder of NRS Inc., an Idaho-based sporting goods manufacturer.  Americans are undoubtedly frustrated with the double standard enjoyed by large multinational corporations. [Bill Parks | July 6, 2020 | InsideSources] Each year, these massive companies earn billions of dollars in profit from…

Transportation Trades Department President Speaks About the Importance of Investing in Infrastructure.

Editor’s Note: Mike Dolan is a trade policy specialist and lobbyist for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and is the CPA board of directors. Larry Willis, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, spoke with America’s Work Force Radio Podcast on June 22 about the importance of the United States investing in its infrastructure. [Ed…

America’s Trade Deficits

Editors note: Ken Austin, a former treasury official, explains the intricacies of capital flows, exchange rates, and the trade deficit. Blame U.S. Policies – Starting With Tax Laws By Ken Austin For over 15 years, the United States has been locked in an escalating and seemingly endless trade war with political allies and adversaries. The…