Press Release | CPA Urges OECD to Support Sales Factor Apportionment for Global Corporate Tax Reform

Sales-based system could address corporate tax avoidance Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) is urging the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to support a move to sales factor apportionment (SFA) as part of its comprehensive review of international corporate tax systems. CPA submitted public comments to the OECD last week. The…

Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans

Editor’s note: See this new Senate report on the Chinese government program to transfer or steal knowledge and research from American universities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY American taxpayers contribute over $150 billion each year to scientific research in the United States. Through entities like the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy’s…

An Alternate Solution for France’s Digital Services Tax

Editor’s Note: Jeff Ferry is chief economist at the Coalition for a Prosperous America, where Arpan Dahal serves as a research assistant. Bill Parks is a member of the coalition’s board and the founder of NRS Inc. in Moscow, Idaho. In this article, the authors argue that a sales factor apportionment system at France’s statutory rate would likely generate more than double the revenue…

‘1984’ in China

Excerpt. “International outrage could turn that into a wake-up call for China’s leaders, despite their totalitarian swagger, if the world begins to see them as pariahs, not just trading partners.” Communist leaders engage in modern-day totalitarian brainwashing, bizarre lies and industrial-level indoctrination to suppress Muslims. [Editorial Board | November 18, 2019 | NY Times] “Ying…

China’s Industrial Policies Work. So Copy Them

Editor’s note:  More mainstream writing in favor of industrial strategy. While the article wrongly criticizes the tariff intervention against China, it rightly states that the US should have an industrial strategy. Side note: tariffs are part of industrial strategy, and often cheaper because you can protect industries without subsidizing them. Washington’s focus on ending Beijing’s…

Trump’s trade war general faces moment of truth

Editor’s note: Trade Ambassador Bob Lighthizer stands strong against the globalists who have killed jobs for many years. At an invitation-only gathering of chief executives in mid-September, Robert E. Lighthizer made his pitch for President Trump’s protectionist trade policy. [David Lynch | November 15, 2019 | Washington Post] Seated between United Parcel Service CEO David Abney…

Defend America’s Fabricated Steel Industry

Editor’s note: This video by the American Institute of Steel Construction is a vivid illustration of how we wrongly give up whole US industries that pay large numbers of workers well. When we lose those jobs, we diminish the purchasing power of whole communities because wages are pushed down regionally. And we lose innovation for…