How China Obtains American Trade Secrets

Editor’s note: Keith Bradsher does a good job laying out the mechanisms of China’s state sponsored technology theft and forced transfer. Its the tip of the iceberg. Companies have long accused Chinese rivals of swiping or seizing valuable technology. Beijing promises to ban those practices, but enforcement could be tough. [Keith Bradsher | January 15,…

Give Trump’s Tariffs a Fair Test

Editor’s note: This is an excellent article by Peter Navarro. Paragraph three and four capture CPA’s analysis and why we differ from conventional economists. Tariffs to preserve or build industries are an investment in future jobs, innovation and production.  Conventional economic models ignore how they boost investment and national security. [Peter Navarro | January 13,…

Eastern Promises: Our German Problem

Editors note: Germany talks multilateralism while acting unilaterally for its own Germany First interests. This article explains why we cannot expect to Germany to help us in the US China conflict. It’s comforting to believe that frequently rocky US-German relations over the last three years have been due largely to President Trump’s personal approach —…

China Moves to Steady Its Slowing Economic Growth

Editor’s Note: The most massive producer subsidy program in world history keeps chugging along as China drenches the production sector with another $115B in newly minted renminbi plus forced lending requirements. The country’s central bank will in effect inject $115 billion into the financial system despite signs the economy has been improving. [Carlos Tejada and…