China currency push takes aim at dollar
Protests over democracy in Hong Kong may be preoccupying the Chinese leadership, but a subject of still greater international importance is being played out this
Protests over democracy in Hong Kong may be preoccupying the Chinese leadership, but a subject of still greater international importance is being played out this
Factory Man — the most popular non-fiction, non-academic book ever published about an anti-dumping trade case — is a worthy read for three reasons: The
CPA member Roger Sustar of Fredon Corporation helped sponsor the second annual Think Manufacturing Student Expo in Willoughby, OH. [Reposted from Crains Cleveland Business |
The economy-gutting results of US trade policy are caused by Congress’ prime directive to the President. Reduce trade barriers. Why is that the wrong goal?
According to author Mike Collins, America’s trade deficit is the single biggest obstacle to creating manufacturing jobs, and to keeping manufacturing jobs in this
The Very Smart People in Washington want to use the Trans-Pacific Partnership to solidify our political influence in Asia. How did that work out with
The part of trade agreements that basically globalizes the court system is really becoming a hot issue. Even The Economist is taking note. Its
The strong dollar crowd is oddly crowing about how the US dollar is strong and the old days of worrying about currency wars are past.
CPA is pleased to announce that Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA, will have the honor of speaking on a panel for the Souther California Chapter
Stumo note: The IMF continues to warn about persistent trade imbalances as a threat to global stability. That’s why CPA’s balanced trade proposal is not