GOP Moving Ahead on Misguided Fast Track

Representative Paul Ryan has set a January 27, 2015 Ways and Means Committee hearing with USTR Michael Froman on trade.  Senator Orrin Hatch has set a Senate Finance Committee hearing on trade policy, featuring Michael Froman, on the same day. It is important for us to let the GOP rank and file know that they…

The Hill: White House targets Dems in trade blitz

A frustrated White House is planning to blitz congressional Democrats on trade in the weeks following Tuesday’s State of the Union address. [Reposted from The Hill  |  Vicki Needham  |  January 20, 2015] President Obama is tasking every member of his Cabinet to round up votes from Democrats for fast-track negotiating power, which would give…

R-CALF: R-CALF USA opposes Giving Fast Track to Obama.

Background:  Beginning this week President Obama will marshal his Cabinet members to pressure members of Congress to vote in favor of Fast-Track Authority, also known as Trade Promotion Authority. [Memo from R-CALF USA  |  January 19, 2015] Fast-Track Authority is Nixon-era legislation that delegates to the President authorities that the U.S. Constitution granted only to… Conservatives Launch Anti-TPA Campaign, Signal Openness To Working With Progressive Groups

      The leaders of seven conservative Tea Party organizations on Tuesday (Jan. 13) launched the first volley in their campaign against the congressional passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), and held open the possibility of working with Democratic-aligned groups in order to gather enough opposition to defeat any TPA bill. [Reposted from …